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Sujet : Un autre logiciel sympa Nouveau De ON5MJ  Le 20-03-2012 à 21:05 sta

    Vous voulez tester votre écran de PC ? Peut-être ceci fera votre bonheur:


    PassMark MonitorTest 3.1 Build 1000 | 1.9 MB

    PassMark MonitorTest™ is a tool that allows users to investigate the quality and performance of their computer monitor or LCD flat panel screens. With more people spending more time in front of computer monitors it is important to purchase a quality monitor that will provide crisp, bright images, while reducing the strain on your eyes. MonitorTest displays a series of specially designed images on the screen at a variety of different resolutions and color depths to test for optimum visual performance. Each of 25 different test screens have been created to test a particular aspect of the monitors performance.

    As a monitor is often the most expensive part of a computer system, this type of testing is essential for the adjustment & selection of a quality monitor. Users would include computer repair centers, system integrators, quality assurance personnel, graphic designers and anyone that cares about the quality of their monitor. MonitorTest runs in Windows and will work at any resolution, aspect ratio and color depth supported by your monitor and graphics card.

    Comprehensive help file.
    25 different test patterns including:
    Master screen
    Color scales
    Printer color calibration
    Gamma measurement
    Zooming to verify power supply stability
    Solid colors to test for missing or always on pixels
    Display of monitor and video adapter system information
    Support for all available resolutions and color depths
    Support for all display types (CRT, LCD, Plasma, etc.)
    Supports video cards with up to 300 different video modes.
    Looped testing to continually test your monitor
    Scripted testing to use different test patterns with different resolutions, color depth and test length
    Tiny download and small enough to fit on a floppy disk

    OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
    Language : English

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